torsdag den 30. juni 2011

Do you believe in heaven?

I don't believe in God, but I'll start if you bring back my baby!

I miss you so much baby... And I wish you were here with me.

Been thinking all day and I realized I'm not doing anything but work. I don't hang out with my friends and I'm daydreaming all day. I so want to go to New Zealand. In about 3 months, Rugby World Cup starts and I want to ATTEND!!!

... and at the same time visit my presious pearl, Jules, in Aussie!

I miss you baby. Take good photos!

søndag den 13. februar 2011

just chillaxing!

It's been a while . . .

I realized I stop writing my blog and reading blogs... And that's just not right!

So here I go again.

I miss my bby so much.. So I decided to have some fun instead!!

torsdag den 30. december 2010


Have finally found out what I want to do with my life.... Jewellery....

tirsdag den 28. december 2010


The perfect outfit, just need one more accessory...


onsdag den 21. juli 2010

Things to do when bored :

  1. Play Emilie's Don't yawn game
  2. Count the tiles in your bathroom
  3. Make bubbles with spit
  4. walk 20 times around you coffee table
  5. Prank phonecalls
  6. Make Macaroni art
  7. Try and lick your albow
  8. Braid your back hair
  9. Make a movie plot
  10. Play axe murderer and scare people
  11. Watch "liar, liar"
  12. Paint your toenails
  13. Come up with 20 girl and boy names for your unborn baby
  14. Make a bucket list
  15. Find a recipe and make food
  16. work-out
  17. Throw salt all over and clean it up
  18. Make a fantasi football team
  19. Make a fantasi baseball team
  20. Create a new kind of coffee
  21. Write a blog
  22. Make a webpage
  23. Search google
  24. Drink beer
  25. Create a plot to get rich
  26. Learn everything you can about Ghana
  27. Make your own perfume
  28. Make a "thank-you" speech for the Oscars
  29. Tweez your nosehairs
  30. Apply 4 dozen layers of foundation
  31. Write a grammy winning song
  32. Write a poem
  33. Dress up as shakespear
  34. Watch AFV
  35. Plant a seed
  36. Watch it grow
  37. Remember to water it
  38. Make your own jewellery
  39. Sell it
  40. Go running
  41. Sow your own dress
  42. Wrestle your brother
  43. Dress your brother in girly clothes and make-up
  44. Buy a videocamera and make your own movie
  45. Blow up 200 balloons and burst them
  46. Play musical chairs with yourself
  47. Play sex scrabble with your lover
  48. Walk on your toes
  49. Watch a scary movie and walk through the woods
  50. Play hide and seek with your dog